嗨,我是 FFgenius,一个前端开发工程师,梦想加入开源社区,为开源贡献力量。
常用技术栈 HTML CSS JS TS Vue VueUse Vite UnoCSS
仍需继续提升 React Nuxt Vitest
感兴趣于 Rust
我将会在本博客中更新博客文章,并且尝试使用英语翻译,以提升我的英语技能;在项目中展示我的常用技术网址; 也会在笔记中更新工作、生活中遇到的问题以及技巧。
最后本博客模板来源于 antfu,感谢。
与我联系 fuwb0407gmail.com
Hi, I am FFgenius, a front-end developer, I hope to join the open source community and contribute to the open source community.
Main technology HTML CSS JS TS Vue VueUse Vite UnoCSS
Still improving React Nuxt Vitest
Interested in Rust
I will update my blog articles and try to translate them into English, to improve my English skills; I will show my commonly used technology websites in my projects; I will also update my work and life problems and tips in the notes.
Determined to become an excellent front-end development engineer.Be trying…
Finally, this bolg template is from antfu, thanks.
Contact with me fuwb0407gmail.com